“Be Balanced” FREE Summer Challenge: 3 Weeks to a Calmer, Happier You


Summer is fast approaching and what a whirlwind of a year 2020 has been already. There has been so much going on, viruses, economic downturns, political uprisings, and to top it all off…murder hornets!

No matter who you are, I am sure you have been affected in some way. And it is healthy to feel the icky feelings, because they encourage us to take action and make changes.

With so much going on, it is also helpful to have some strategies to find some balance emotionally, mentally and physically, especially when so many impactful events occur in close succession.

That’s why I decided to challenge myself to be more balanced this summer. Will you join me?

Each week for three weeks, I am going to put some energy and awareness into being just a little more present and a bit more in my body.

But the key to making it work, for me anyway, is that it has to be super simple! Because if it’s an elaborate 20 minute process each day, I’m probably not going to do it.

What I need are some things that I can quickly do throughout my day. And, in my experience, the little things we do all day are much more impactful than doing a big chunk of something now and then.

It’s like learning a language…

Usually, when learning a new language, you spend a few hours several times a week in focused study. But you quickly forget what you learned in that hour chunk of time and have to keep coming back and reviewing. This way, you will learn the language, but it will be slow and hard to apply.

But what if you were suddenly living in a country where they only spoke the language you were trying to learn? Over three weeks, you would learn the language much faster and in a much more practical way than you would if you were studying a book or taking a class a few times a week.

You are immersed in it, so you get it better and faster.

That is what I hope to do with this challenge! Each technique, one per week, will be simple, quick, and applicable throughout your day. You’ll be doing little bits all the time – it’s a DIY balanced lifestyle immersion.

It’s never a bad idea to learn how to be more in your body, and more at peace with your world. Especially now, the world could use a few more people who are acting from a place of calm and groundedness.

So, will you join me?


I’ll see you on the other side!

With love,


Call Dr. Derya